Tuesday 13 March 2012

Institution and audiences - Lesson notes

Production Institutions
The production company for irony Lady was Film4, UK film council, 

Distribution and marketing institutions 
20th Century Fox distributed the film 
They are creating the film for profit.

Exhibition institutions
cinemas eg odeon
Orange is another institution because they are interested in profitability 
FACT (federation against copyright theft) 
BFI - To eduction people about british film and to protect and celebrate the british film indutry.
Independent and art-house cinemas aim to make profit, but also for a public service and from a artistic view.

Iron lady having their own Facebook page
Many trailers of the film on TV
Film review on the guardian, The Observer and Telegraph 
Actors appearing on chat shows, Meryl Streep appeared on chat show the view
Media do not exist separately, TV, video, games, films, newspapers, radio. magazines, music converge and are interdependent on each other 
Personalised advertising - Facebook, women in black
They are mashing up the users' personal information and photos with the film. 

360 degree branding is the ultimate aim for the company. Want to surround the audiences with their brand. Some films are more of a brand than other e.g. disney films.  
The iron lady hasn't got that much because its not aimed at that type of audience.
Your marketing a fill to trigger engagement. 
A new ecosystem - we can now watch films anywhere any time, we can chose who or what we engage in on demand. 
David Gauntlett - "new media erodes the boundary between producer and audiences to the extent that it makes little sense to talk about media audiences anymore. we now have media 2.0"